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Pre-cut hot-melt labellers Z-Hot-melt

Z-Italia manufactures the full range of hot-melt rotary labellers to apply pre-cut paper or plastic labels on cylindrical or shaped bottles made of glass, plastic or metal.

Maximum production speed: 30.000 bph

Main fields of application are: soft drinks, water, food.


-Hot glue distributed with an industrial sprayer
-The standard equipment of a pre-cut hot-glue labeller includes the machine’s infeed screw operated with a servomotor, quick-release plates operated with a mechanical cam
-The application unit can be fitted with the automatic label storage area

Optional features

Automatic label storage area
-Plates operated with servomotors
-Electronic orientation system
-Labelling quality control system
-Pressurization system to process empty bottles Laser or ink-jet coder

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